Credit cards can be a great option if you want to avail rewards and cashbacks every time you make you an expense. However, you do not plan your transactions wisely, credit cards can be your worst financial nightmare and make you fall for a debt trap.
If you have an HDFC Bank credit card and due to some reasons your card is blocked for further use, you can get your card unblocked by following these steps.
Common factors behind HDFC Bank credit card block
Non-payment of dues: A failure to make regular payments or default on minimum payments will cause your credit card to become blocked.
Suspicious activity: The bank will block your card if they detect suspicious activity or unusual transactions indicating fraud.
Lost or stolen card: The bank blocks your card when you report it as stolen or lost so that mischievous individuals cannot use it.
Exceeding credit limit: A temporary block of your credit card can occur when you spend more than your approved limit.
Incorrect PIN attempts: Multiple incorrect PIN entries can result in the card being locked for security reasons.
Expired card: Your card transactions may be blocked if your card is expired but you have not yet activated your new card.
Steps to unblock HDFC Bank credit card
Through customer care helpline:
Dial HDFC Bank’s toll-free number 1860 267 6161.Follow the IVR instructions, connect with a representative, and provide necessary details which may include your credit card number, registered mobile number, and personal details for verification.Inform the representative about your blocked card and request for unblocking.The representative will assist you with further steps.
Through branch visit:
Visit the nearest HDFC Bank branch.Bring a valid ID and your blocked credit card.Explain your issue and request to unblock your card.Follow the bank’s procedures and provide any required documents or details.If your card was blocked due to overspending or outstanding dues, ensure your payments are cleared before requesting unblocking.
Tips to avoid getting your HDFC Bank credit card blocked
In order to avoid getting your credit card blocked, it is essential that you repay your bills on time and maintain a healthy credit utilisation ratio. This way you will be able to avoid exhausting the credit limit of your credit card.
You must also make sure that you avoid using public networks while making online payments from your credit card as it can make your card vulnerable to hackers. Suspicious activity on your credit card can also lead to your card getting blocked by the bank. Hence, make sure that you keep a check on your transactions and inform the bank immediately if there is any suspicious activity on your card.
In conclusion, you must make sure that you never share your card details with anyone in order to ensure that your card is secured. The bank representative will never ask you for your card details or an OTP under any circumstances. Hence, beware of such scams and use your credit card wisely.
(Note: Using a credit card carries its own set of risks)