Online shopping has become a convenient way to make purchases at the ease of your home. With credit cards you can make transactions easily without spending immediate cash. The card issuer pays on your behalf while you do not have to worry about repaying until the next bill due date. If you are planning to make a purchase from Amazon, you can easily add your credit card and make the transaction quickly.
Steps to add credit card in Amazon
Step 1: Sign in to your Amazon account
Step 2:Access your account settings
Step 3: Navigate to payment options
Step 4:Add a payment method
Step 5:Enter card details
Step 7: Confirm and complete
Key factors to note while adding credit card in Amazon account
You must keep a note that Amazon keeps your card data secured and is end-to-end encrypted which ensures maximum security. In order to avoid any scams and data leaks, you should avoid using public networks for making purchases through your card on Amazon.
Adding to this, Amazon also provides you with the facility to remove your credit card whenever you want to. This way you can easily remove the cards which you no longer use.
In conclusion, you must never share any OTP or your credit card information with anyone under any circumstances. Amazon will never ask for your credit card information over call. Hence, always be mindful so that you can avoid any hacks or scams on your account.
(Note: Using a credit card carries its own set of risks)